婦潔VIGILL 私密高效美白凝露(私密處專用)



婦潔VIGILL 私密高效美白凝露 30ml
VIGILL Whitening Firming Serum 30ml

  • 擊退黯沉   含美白成分2%傳明酸(Tranexamic Acid)配方與桑白皮,能抑制黑色素形成及防止色素斑形成,淡化黯沉。
  • 最佳水嫩狀態  玻尿酸(Hyaluronic Acid)與絲膠蛋白、尿囊素,層層補水滲透浸潤,迅速使肌膚水潤保濕。
  • pH弱酸性配方  專為女性細嫩肌膚設計,凝露質地溫和清爽易吸收。
  • 另添加蘆薈、桑白皮、小黃瓜、奇異果萃取液,舒緩肌膚,賦予肌膚自然清新感受。
  •  Helps to restore the moisture and elasticity lost due to skin aging and hormonal changes in your most sensitive intimate areas. 
  • Specially formulated with 2% Tranexamic Acid which decreases skin pigmentation and brightens the skin. Estradiol, hyaluronic Acid and various fruit herbal extracts revitalize and boost the growth of collagen. 
  • Render your skin moisturized and youthful. This is a light, gentle, non-greasy formulation suitable for daily use on intimate skin.


規格 30ml
主成分 傳明酸、桑白皮、葡萄籽萃取、玻尿酸、蠶絲蛋白、蘆薈、小黃瓜、奇異果萃取
Tranexamic acid, Pueraria Mirifica Root Extract, Dioscorea opposite root extract, Hydrolyzed silk.
注意事項 請置於陰涼處,避免陽光直射。使用後若有不適,請立即停止使用,並請教醫生。請存放在嬰幼兒無法取得處,避免誤食
保存期限 三年