小兒利撒爾 晶明葉黃素咀嚼錠


小兒利撒爾 晶明葉黃素咀嚼錠
RISAL Eyes Health Chewable Tablets

  • 專為學齡兒童設計,本產品每份添加專利金盞花萃取物20mg(含10%游離型葉黃素)、玉米黃素,是經常閱讀、打電腦、看電視兒童的營養補充品。
  •  葉黃素是存在於蔬菜水果(特別是深綠色蔬菜)的一種類胡蘿蔔素,人體無法自行合成,必須由食物或營養補充品中攝取。
  •  特別配合花青素含量高的山桑子、黑豆萃取物、維持機能健康。
  •  有小朋友喜歡的藍莓果汁口味,不添加人工防腐劑,健康好吃無負擔。
  • FloraGLO®榮獲多國製造專利、通過美國FDA-GRAS等級安全食品認證、美國醫師推薦之游離型葉黃素。
  • FloraGLO® is a trademark of Kemin Industries Inc.
  • Specially designed for school-age children, enriched with lutein and zeaxanthin, is a perfect nutritional
    supplement for children who read, use computer and watch television a lot.
  • Lutein is a carotenoid found in vegetables and fruits that cannot be synthesized in human body. We must ingest it
    from food and health supplements.
  • Specially formulated with European blueberries containing high levels of anthocyanin.
  • Kid’s favorite blueberry flavor juice, without artificial preservatives. Healthy, delicious and without burden.


規格 36錠/42錠
主成分 金盞花萃取物(FloraGLO®含10%葉黃素)、金盞花萃取物(含5%葉黃素)、山桑子萃取物(含25%花青素)、黑豆萃取物(含10%花青素)、藍莓果汁粉

Marigold extract (FloraGLO® Lutein 10%), Marigold Extract (Zeaxanthin 5%), Bilberry Extract (Anthocyanins 25%), Black Bean Extract (Anthocyanins 10%), Blueberry Juice Powder
食用方法 12歲以下,每日1錠。12歲以上,每日2錠
保存方式 開封後請馬上食用完畢。請保存於30度C以下陰涼乾燥處或放入冰箱冷藏,避免高溫、日曬影響產品品質
保存期限 二年