小兒利撒爾 乳酸菌夾心米果(卵)



Risal Lactobacillus Rice Roll- Egg Flavor

  • 秉持兒童食品「Back to Basic」的精神,餅身100%皆為國產米,無一般餅乾常添加的澎化劑與品質改良劑,天然無負擔。另外將「專利芽孢乳酸菌(Bicillus Coagulans)」,包進了每支米果當中,讓孩子在吃米果時,補充營養,同時幫助消化道機能健康,孩子享受香香的米果,媽媽也放心。
  • 回歸質純天然,無添加防腐劑、人工甘味劑、色素
  • 100%純米製餅身、非油炸。
  • 捲型設計方便咬握,幫助1-4歲幼兒咬握能力
  • 健康成份配合,每支添加日本孢子型乳酸菌=好菌多多,幫助體內環保,維持消化道機能健康
  • Upholding the belief of “Back to Basic” for children’s food, the cookie is made with 100% Taiwanese rice. Do not contain expanding agents and quality improving agent common found in other cookies. Natural and no extra burden to the body. We also added the proprietary“Bicillus Coagulans” in each rice roll to provide nutrients while enjoying the snack. It also helps support healthy digestive functions. Provides reassurance to the mothers while the children enjoy the delicious rice roll.
  • Back to natural
    No preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colorings. 100%
    pure rice rolls and non-deep-fried.
  • Roll-shaped design for easy biting and grasping
    Help the grasping ability of 1-4 year-olds
  • Health ingredients
    Each roll contains Bicillus Coagulans = plenty of beneficial bacteria to help support internal ecology and healthy digestive functions.


規格 8支/盒
主成分 白米、糙米、玉米(非基改)、蛋黃粉、乳清粉、全脂奶粉、鹽、芽孢乳酸菌

Rice, Brown Rice, Corn, Egg Yolk Powder, Whey powder, Whole milk powder, Salt, Lactic Acid Bacteria(Bacillus coagulans)
食用年齡   1歲以上幼兒開始食用副食品後,即可食用本產品。
注意事項 本產品無添加防腐劑,開袋後請盡快食用完畢。請保存於陰涼處,避免高溫、日曬影響產品品質
保存期限 一年