婦潔VIGILL 蘆薈除毛貼片(手腳用)16片


婦潔 VIGILL  蘆薈除毛貼片(手腳用)16片
VIGILL Vigill Wax Strip-Aloe vera For Legs & Body

  • 婦潔蘆薈除毛貼片能溫和深入毛囊,將毛髮連根拔除,最久可維持4週光滑肌膚。特別添加蘆薈(Aloe Vera)舒緩配方,除毛同時能呵護細緻肌膚,給予肌膚滋潤舒緩。
  • VIGILL Wax Strips are the fastest and easiest way to remove unwanted hairs by their roots.  The perfectly smooth touch obtained by the use of VIGILL wax strips is longer lasting than shaving and lasts up to 4 weeks. The special ingredient contains Aloe Vera Extract to smoothen and moisturize skin during waxing.


規格 32片除毛貼片; 4片清潔片
主成分 蘆薈除毛貼片:松香脂, 微晶蠟,蓖麻籽油,杏仁油;清潔油片:甜杏仁油,蘆薈萃取,維他命E
Colophonium, Hydrogenated Glycerol Rosin Ester,  Ricinus Communis Oil, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extra
注意事項 請置於陰涼處,避免陽光直射。使用後若有不適,請立即停止使用,並請教醫生。請存放在嬰幼兒無法取得處,避免誤食
保存期限 五年