企業介紹 Company Profile


深耕台灣市場60年· 放眼國際
Taiwan Leading brands in Healthcare Industry over 60 years

幸一生醫集團自1961年從日本引進小兒利撒爾感冒顆粒 (日文:リサ一ル)至台灣,在台灣OTC市場奠定了成功的事業基石,近60年來在兒童保健機能性食品、女性個人衛生清潔用品、女性美容保健品市場穩定發展,也跨足OTC西藥、第一級醫療器材、化妝品、食品四大品類台灣零售市場。集團內有幸一生醫科技有限公司、婦潔藥品有限公司、辰太實業有限公司與上海一騰商貿有限公司,其擁有中日醫藥合作和歐美生技產業合作的歷史優勢背景,市場包含中國、港澳、日本及馬來西亞與東南亞等國家。

Since 1961, being the first company importing kids OTC product from Japan, Shinyi successfully created a solid market foundation of  OTC and healthcare products in Taiwan.  Vigill® and Risal® are the two of our major brands, focusing on woman intimate hygiene and kid’s health segments. Today, both brands are market leaders in their respective market segments in Taiwan.  Shinyi covers OTC, medical devices, cosmetics, food and food supplements 5 categories Taiwan retail markets.    
With an advantageous background in cooperation with Japanese  and Israeli pharmaceutical companies in R&D and manufacturing, as well as in cooperation with overseas distributors, our business and products spread across countries including Taiwan, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. 

業務範疇 Company Business Scope
OTC, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, Food Distribution, Retail, Trading.  

嚴格製造標準 High Quality Assurance of Products
藥品部 (Pharmaceuticals)

  • 西藥(OTC)符合國際西藥標準PICs/ GMP, PICs Certification (equivalent to GMP and valid in 24 countries including the UK, Germany, France, Canada and Australia)
  • 第一級醫療器材(The 1st Grade Medical Device) 符合醫療器材品質管理系統ISO13485國際製造標準。 

消費品部 (Consumers Goods)
  • 一般化妝品(Cosmetics)符合品質管理認證系統ISO 9001:2000; 私密沐浴露系列符合ISO 9001:2000、世界級消費品製造標準British BRC (Global Standard for Consumer Products)
  • 食品(Foods)符合GMP、品質管理認證系統ISO 9001:2000、HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) 生產製造認證標準。

合作夥伴 Manufacturing Partners

(由左至右:以色列CTS Novis公司、台灣正和製藥、成大藥品、日本Aliment工業株式會社、日本富士膠囊、日本太田油脂、日本新タシク化成株式會社等)

Company Profile
Company name: Shinyi Biomedical Tech. Co., Ltd.
Name of Representative: Hsiu Chen Hsieh
Registration Address: 10F, No.699, Chung Xiao East Road, Shinyi District, Taiepi, Taiwan.
Taipei Office Address: No.175, Tanmei Street, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan
Our Distribution Channels (in Taiwan):
  • 1000 Cosmetics-pharmaceuticals stores: Watsons & Cosmed
  • 720 Chain Drug stores & 1000 individuals Pharmacies.
  • 90 Hypermarkets:  Carrefour & RTmart.
  • 1000 Supermarkets: PXmart.
  • 250 Personal Care stores: POYA & J-Mart.
  • 4500 CVS: Family mart.
  • E-commerce: Brands' on-line shops, MOMO, Pchome, YAHOO, Shopee and etc
Numbers of Employee: 52 (Jan. 2023)
Pharmaceutical Selling License No: 6201178427

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