婦潔 比女人更懂女人 
Taiwanese No.1 Leading Brand in Personal Hygiene 

婦潔藥品自1983年推出醫藥級婦潔液至今,35年來致力於女性私密保養護理,是台灣唯一能夠完整提供跨3大品類市場【藥品】、【日用化妝品】、【保健食品】全方位針對女性私密部位照護的領導品牌。2010年針對亞洲女性細緻敏感的私密部位,與以色列CTS Novis藥廠合作研發「私密保養系列」,提供更完整、更創新、高品質的私密保養新選擇。


VIGILL is our brand specialized in Asian women intimate hygiene and care. 

The range includes OTC product of vaginal douche to relieve vaginosis and also a complete range of daily intimate care products. 
Feminine wash is the most popular product line, which has a special pH3.5 and gentle formulation especially developed for sensitive intimate skin.  They gently cleanse, prevent irritation and discomfort and also help to maintain & restore health to intimate area 
The products regularly win Watsons Health & Beauty Awards. After Being nominated by many experts and real customers, VIGILL also won The Best Product of the Year in FashionGuild, which is one of the most influential media in Beauty industry



婦潔VIGILL   35年女性私密護裡領導品牌
Brand awareness
  • 對「婦潔液」的品牌認知主要來自電視廣告,認為是悠久品牌且具高知名度
    They knew Vigill from TV commercials, and saw it as a famous brand with a long history.
  • 尤其是對女性清潔用品的使用者而言,「婦潔液」品牌認知度高於舒摩兒
    Vigill is more well-known than Summer, particularly to non-users and intermittent users of women’s cleaning products.  
  • 根據晶立營銷市調2010年消費者深入訪談(FGD)結果調查研究結果顯示,受訪者表示婦潔是能讓消費者感到安心、可信賴,並能感覺受到關心與照顧的品牌(a caring brand)
    According to the result of the FGD survey of SearchMedia in 2010, the respondents believed that Vigill is a caring brand which consumers feel reassuring and trustworthy 
  • 熱銷資料私密沐浴露〝1年賣出30座台灣101摩天大樓〞
    According to best-selling information, the length of bottles of Vigill intimate wash sold in a year connected end to end is more than that of 30 Taipei 101s

Major prizes of Watsons HWB Awards for years